
LVSC Hike Report
Sandstone Bluffs Long Loop - El Malpais Region

Hike Distance (mi): 5
Elevation Change (ft): 305
Total Uphill (ft): 380
Total Downhill (ft): 380


Twelve hikers loaded into the van at 8:15 am. Michele drove us to El Malpais by 10:45. The hike included amazing sandstone, including 6 arches! We were able to see pot sherds, ancient village ruins, and Petroglyphs. Everyone had a great time and a wonderful hike. Thanks to Michele for driving and Carl for leading and taking pictures.

Web Album 1 Name: Carl
Web Album 1 Link: link
Hike Report Status:

Hike Leader(s): Carl Gervais   
Hike Coordinator(s): Sherry Blumenstock   Pam Bliss