Arroyo Piedra Lumbre West Hike
In Cabezon Region
Map File Source:
Last Updated: 03/23/2021 12:00am
Last Updated By: Marilyn Fixer
Hike Class: C (Challenging)
Hike Distance: 6.5 mi
Minimum Elevation: 6170 ft
Elevation Change: 115 ft
Total Uphill: 600 ft
Total Downhill: 600 ft
Avg. Grade: %
Route Type: Loop
On Trail: No
Paved or Gravel Roads: No
GPS Advised: Yes
Drive Distance Round Trip: 160 mi
Drive Time One-Way: 2:00
Hiking Seasons: Spring, Fall, and Winter
New Mexico Game Unit: 9
Hike Status: In Process
Lots of formations and interesting cliffs on this wandering hike.
CautionsThe hike is off trail. Poles may be useful.
Trailhead Directions
From Albuquerque take I-25 north to Bernalillo. Take US 550 to San Ysidro. Drive west 18 mi. past intersection of SR 4 and US 550 to San Luis Rd.. Turn left and drive 8.5 miles to Torreon Road just after a cattle guard, where the road turns to dirt. Turn right onto paved Torreon Rd (SR 197) and drive 3.6 miles to the top of the rise. [TURN LEFT] onto a dirt road. Go 6.7 miles to PARK on the right just beyond a cattle guard. On this stretch you will be going straight at the intersection where BLM 1102 turns south and will then have to go through a fence gate.
Text Author: Dick Brown
Map Author:
Waypoints Author:
Track Author:
Maintainer: Carl Gervais