2024-06-12–PDSCW – Hike Report

PDSCW Hike Report

San Gregorio Reservoir Long – San Pedro Parks

Hike Report Sent By: Marilyn Warrant

Hike Distance (mi): 7.1
Elevation Change (ft): 783
Total Uphill (ft): 806
Total Downhill (ft): 806


It was a hot day in Albuquerque, so 13 hikers went to San Pedro Parks to enjoy temperatures in the 70’s, a green forest, and meadows filled with flowers. The reservoir was full, the streams were flowing, and the marshes were muddy. Water! Wildlife: ducks in the reservoir and 3 elk (including one calf) near the turnaround point. Flowers: fields of iris and golden pea, as well as calypso orchid, Colorado and Rocky Mountain Red columbines, white and pink pussytoes, and bitterroot at the highest elevation. As one hiker put it – this hike had everything but a snake!

Thanks to Joe for driving and Patricia for sweeping.

Information: Click here to go to the hike web page where you may view the hike map, trailhead directions, how to do the actual hike, and download the hike GPS files.

Hike Leader(s): Marilyn Warrant  

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Web Album 2 Name: Marilyn’s web album
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